I begin a new life, in every sense of the term. This is my last day at my old workplace. Never before had I got so attached to any place or work this way. I had a quiet corner and I had a brilliant time. I don't know what I am walking into. The work part is not what worries me. It is how how my parents will cope with my absence and how I will cope being without them. Work should be fine. I like the work and I know I want to do this and nothing else:).
u will have a brilliant time! I am sure of that. U have a great personality and u can cope with anything. Just dont let strangers into the ATM. and keep a pepper spray handy! ;)
Have a great time at the new place :)
????? New place? New job? Travel? Please do tell. :-)
thHi Shameless, to know the answer read the blog! My old blog got deleted by mistake and I had to create most of it again.
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